
There are tons of commands in a Linux system. And I think it is not important to memorize all of them; well, it's kinda impossible. However, once one starts working with a system, one usually gets familiarized the frequently used commands. And of course, the "TAB" button is always helpful.

Command Pattern

All commands in UNIX follow this pattern
 command     -arg/opt     source          destination
If the arguments consist of more than one alphabet, it is written as --argument. Different commands have different structures. Some commands don’t need any arguments, some commands use source only, some commands only need destination. You’ll get used to the structures as you keep working with Linux.

pwd (Present Working Directory)

Syntax:                   command
pwd is used to view absolute path of current working directory that one’s working in.
[root@prime audit]# pwd

cd (Change Directory)

Syntax:                   command      destination
cd is used to change a directory. The destination may be absolute or relative path.
# cd  /var/log/audit/
Goes to /var/log/audit
# cd 
Goes to the home directory of the user
# cd ..
Goes ‘UP’ one level

mkdir (Make Directory)

Syntax:                   command      -arg          destination
This command is used to create new directories/folders.
# mkdir  testdir
Creates a new directory ‘testdir’ in pwd
# mkdir  /tmp/testdir2
Creates a new directory ‘testdir2’ in /tmp
# mkdir -p /newdir/testdir3/testdir4
Creates all necessary directories in the path as necessary

touch (Creates a new empty file)

Syntax:                   command      -arg          destination
This command is used to create a new empty file.
# touch  testfile
Creates a new file ‘testfile’ in pwd
# touch  /tmp/testfile2
Creates a new file ‘testfile2’ in /tmp

ls (list)

Syntax:                   command      -arg          destination
This command is used to see the contents of a directory. Contents of a file cannot be viewed by ls.
# ls
Shows content of pwd
# ls –l
Shows detailed information about content of pwd
# ls –l /tmp
Shows detailed information about content of /tmp
# ls –a
Show all files (including hidden) in pwd
# ls –a /tmp
Show all files (including hidden) in  /tmp
# ls –lh
Shows file size in human readable format
# ls –alh
Shows all file size in human readable format

cp (Copy)

Syntax:                   command      -arg          source     destination
cp is used to copy a file from one location to another one. The address of the source/destination may be absolute or relative path.
# cp  f1  /tmp
Copies the file ‘f1’ from pwd to /tmp
# cp  f1  /tmp/f2
Copies the file ‘f1’ from pwd to /tmp and renames it as ‘f2’
# cp  /root/f2  /mnt/f32
Copies the file /root/f1 to /mnt and renames it as ‘f32’
# cp  -r  /root/testdir  /tmp/testdir
Copies the directory /root/testdir to /tmp. The ‘-r’ indicates the operation will be recursive i.e. all files and subdirectories in ‘testdir’ will also be copied.

mv (move)

Syntax:                   command      -arg          source     destination
cp is used to copy a file from one location to another one. The address of the source/destination may be absolute or relative path.
# mv  f1  f2
Renames ‘f1’ to ‘f2’
# mv  f1  /tmp
moves the file ‘f1’ from pwd to /tmp
# mv  f1  /tmp/f2
Moves the file ‘f1’ from pwd to /tmp and renames it as ‘f2’
# mv  /root/f2  /mnt/f32
Moves the file /root/f1 to /mnt and renames it as ‘f32’
# mv  /root/testdir  /tmp/testdir
Moves the directory /root/testdir to /tmp.

rm (Remove)

Syntax:                   command      -arg          destination
This command is used to delete files and directories. To delete directories, the option –r must be used.
# rm  f1
Removes file ‘f1’ in pwd
# rm  /root/f2
Removes file /root/f2
# rm  –r   testdir
Removes the directory ‘testdir’ in pwd
# rm  -rf   testdir2
Forcefully remove the directory ‘testdir2’. Does not ask for confirmation.
